Identify which opportunities and challenges to successful development are most relevant for a context.
Economic Development Opportunity Analysis:
Need at least 5 acdamic sources and at least 3 graph make by your self!
5 page for the double spcees and use the 11 of Times New Romen.
I want you to learn to:
- Identify which opportunities and challenges to successful development are most relevant for a context.
- Present persuasive arguments about development opportunities using disciplinary concepts, language, and evidence.
Write a formal report arguing for an opportunity to use policy for economic development in your country and a potential threat to the success. The audience for this report is an advisory team for the new ambassador who has been in the country for a few years. You can assume the team has more specialized knowledge of the country, and contains at least one economist. They are interested in ideas that promote the economic development of the country because they have concluded that the best way to advance U.S. interests in the region is to promote the economic development of the country. The team is busy, so your challenge is to write a report that they perceive worth their time to read. You hope to persuade the team to agree with your analysis and thus make consistent recommendations to the ambassador. The body of the report should be no more than 5 double spaced pages. Your report must conform to the following structure with an appropriate sub-heading for each section:
Your paper should conform to the following structure:
- Introduction – be sure to include your thesis.
- An analysis of the opportunities the country has to increase economic development, including an analysis of the barriers to taking advantage of those opportunities. Be sure and connect your analysis to theory, and identify the opportunity in your thesis.
- An analysis of the potential risks to the country’s economic development. Be sure and connect your analysis to theory and identify the threat in your thesis. (for example, a thesis of “country X is likely to benefit from increased opportunities to trade primary products, yet volatility of global prices may constrain potential growth.”, or “country X’s increased investment in education will create opportunities for development but political instability threatens progress”
- Conclusion
- A sixth page clearly identifying sources cited. Remember that sources of information and/or paraphrasing of other documents must be properly attributed by identifying the source of that specific information. This needs to be done using footnotes or references within the related paragraphs so that the reader could find the source of the specific information if desired. It is not sufficient only to list consulted sources at the end of the document.