How does a focus on global production networks differ from a focus on commodity chains?

Here are the questions (choice 2 questions to answer from every sections.):(1) Answer two of the following short answer questions:
1. In what manner do national governments manage flows of workers, products, and money across the boundaries of their territories? Provide one example for each of these three flows.
2. Discuss some of the limitations associated with achieving the conditions of “perfect competition” in any market. What do these limitations or complications imply for a “fair price” for any product or service in the marketplace?
3. The assumption of private property is the norm within the economic culture of capitalist societies. What are some of the approaches to measuring the utility of a parcel of land, or in other words, its value? In what ways might society change if private property were abolished and all land became collective and public?(2) Answer two of the following short answer questions:
1. Following their extraction, discuss three other phases that commodities derived from the natural environment may go through. Present examples for two commodities.
2. Explain what a carbon trading scheme entails, and discuss three common criticisms of such a system.
3. Under what conditions would the state benefit by constraining worker organization through trade union legislation? In which sectors are such constraints typically imposed, and why?(3) Answer two of the following short answer questions:
1. Drawing on examples from the auto industry, provide four examples of how Fordist production and lean production principles differ in practice.
2. How does a focus on global production networks differ from a focus on commodity chains?
3. Discuss four aspects of vertical integration as a pattern of industrial organization that are a benefit to the parent TNC. In which sectors does vertical integration persist, and why is this the case?(4) Answer two of the following short answer questions:
1. Estimate what proportion of your own life is spent on paid versus unpaid labor. How does your relationship with other household members influence this proportion—i.e., do others in your household “work for you”? In what ways?
2. How do the concepts of ethnicity and race differ? Which is a more useful analytical category, and why?
3. Discuss three differences between a Chinese ethnic enclave in a downtown setting and a Chinese ethnic enclave in a suburban setting—i.e., “Chinatowns” versus “ethno burbs.”Please pay attention that the answers should be short.