How do you see it related to ethical concerns for students and/or teachers?
Research this issue, identifying various perspectives on the positives and negatives of this topic. As you are researching, pay particular attention to educational implications for access, equity, social relationships, privacy laws/concerns, etc.
Create a short policy brief or parent informational document with practical recommendations for your target audience (e.g., students, parents, the school board, the administration of your school or district). This work must be based on the thoughtful use of research (not just opinion).
Citing at least three research-based sources, write a 4- to 5-page paper that does the following:
Briefly describe the issue you will discuss.
Explain the technology tool or application you have chosen. How do you see it related to ethical concerns for students and/or teachers?
Identify your chosen emphasis area for character development based on your reading from the course text (Seider, 2012).
Identify current research on the topic that looks at trends in this area (this might include statistics on use, frequency of negative behaviors, etc.).
Pay particular attention to social and moral issues that are raised as related to your chosen technology.
Develop a synthesis of recommendations for safe, ethical use of that particular technology application, while also supporting educational initiatives or aims of schooling.