Guided Essay-Promoting Mental Health And Wellbeing
Outline and describe TWO (2) evidenced based nursing/midwifery interventions and rationales for each /10 Exceptional; clear concisely written relevant nursing/midwifery interventions.
This assignment is 1000 word only.
4 Learning resources 4.1 Essential library resources Essential Texts Elder, R., Evans, K., & Nizette, D. (Eds). (2013). Psychiatric and mental health nursing. (3rd ed.). Chatswood, NSW: Elsevier Australia. Muir-Cochrane, E., Barkway, P., & Nizette, D. (2014). Mosby’s pocketbook of mental health. (2nd ed.). Chatswood, NSW: Mosby Elsevier. Resources For Nursing Students: The following link provides access to the documents listed below. Council of Australian Governments. (2012). The roadmap for national mental health reform. 2012-2022. Retrieved from al%20Mental%20Health%20Reform%202012-2022.pdf.pdf Nursing & Midwifery Board of Australia (2008). Code of professional conduct for Nurses in Australia. Dickson, ACT. Retrieved from Nursing & Midwifery Board of Australia (2008). Code of ethics for Nurses in Australia. Dickson, ACT. Retrieved from Nursing & Midwifery Board of Australia. (2006). Registered Nurse competency standards for the nurse Dickson, ACT. Retrieved from For Midwifery Students: The following link provides access to the documents listed below. Codes and guidelines from: Australian Nursing & Midwifery Council. (2008). Code of professional conduct for midwives in Australia. Retrieved from 10%2f1355&dbid=AP&chksum=Mm624fvql2ZEKdEmT3l2ng%3d%3d Australian Nursing & Midwifery Council. (2008). Code of ethics for midwives in Australia. Retrieved from 10%2f1354&dbid=AP&chksum=5Rlk27NSaS9n%2f%2btvoYxT2w%3d%3d Australian Nursing & Midwifery Council. (2006). National competency standards for the midwife. Retrieved from 10%2f1350&dbid=AP&chksum=Yp0233q3xmE5YVjiy%2fy0mA%3d%3d Council of Australian Governments. (2012). The roadmap for national mental health reform. 2012-2022. Retrieved from al%20Mental%20Health%20Reform%202012-2022.pdf.pdf Additional Reading List American Psychiatric Association. (2013). Diagnostic and statistical manual of psychiatric disorders (5th ed.). Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Association. Australian Institute of Health and Welfare. (2015). Mental Health, AIHW. Retrieved from Australian Bureau of Statistics. (2012). Causes of death. Retrieved from CA2579C6000F7A4E/$File/33030_2010.pdf 401013 – Promoting Mental Health and Wellbeing 1 Learning Guide – Spring 2015 ©School of Nursing and Midwifery Page 24 of 29 University of Western Sydney Australian Centre for Perinatal Science University of NSW. (2014). Perinatal mental health. Retrieved from Austin, M., Reilly, N., Milgrom, J., & Barnett, B. (2010). A national approach to perinatal mental health in Australia: Exercising caution on the roll out of a public health initiative. The Medical Journal of Australia; 192(2): 111. Retrieved from Commonwealth Department of Health, (2013). National Perinatal Depression Initiative Retrieved from Commonwealth Department of Health and Aged Care. (2000). National action plan for promotion, prevention and early intervention for mental health 2000: A joint commonwealth, state and territory initiative under the second national mental health plan. Retrieved from 0DDCA257BF0001DAE48/$File/promote.pdf Commonwealth of Australia. (2010). Commonwealth response to the hidden toll: Suicide in Australia report of the senate community affairs reference committee. Retrieved from: 1E5FCA257BF00020627C/$File/toll3.pdf Department of Health & Ageing. (2009). Fourth national mental health plan: An agenda for collaborative government action in mental health 2009-2014. Retrieved from 5D3BCA257BF0001C1B1C/$File/plan09v2.pdf Davidson, L., Tondora, J, Staeheli Lawless, M., O’Connell, M., & Rowe, M. (2009). A practical guide to recovery oriented practice: Tools for transforming mental health care. New York, NY: Oxford University Press. Evans, J., & Brown, P. (2012). Mental health nursing (1st Australian ed.). Sydney, Australia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Happell, B., Cowin, L., Roper, C., Lakeman., R., & Cox, L. (2013). Introducing Mental health nursing: A service user-oriented approach. (2nd ed.) Crows Nest, Australia: Allen & Unwin. Hungerford, C., Clancy, R., Hodgson, D., Jones, T., & Hart, C. (2012). Mental health care: An introduction for health professionals. Milton, Australia: Wiley. Kneisl, C. R., & Trigoboff, E. (2013). Contemporary psychiatric-mental health nursing (3rd ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall. Meadows, G., Singh, B., & Grigg, M. (2013). Mental health in Australia: Collaborative community practice (3rd ed.). South Melbourne, Australia: Oxford University Press. Nizette, D., McAllister, M., & Marks, P. (Eds.). (2013). Stories in mental health: Reflection inquiry action. Sydney, Australia: Mosby Elsevier. NSW Health. (2007). Drug and alcohol plan 2006-2010: A plan for the NSW health drug and alcohol program. Retrieved from NSW Health. (2008). Drug and alcohol withdrawal clinical practice guidelines. Retrieved from NSW Health. (2008). Nursing & midwifery clinical guidelines – Identifying & responding to drug & alcohol issues. Retrieved from NSW Health. (2009). Physical health care of mental health consumers. Retrieved from NSW Health. (2010). NSW suicide prevention strategy 2010-2015: A whole of government strategy promoting a whole of community approach. Retrieved from NSW Health (2007). Mental Health Act 2007. Retrieved from 401013 – Promoting Mental Health and Wellbeing 1 Learning Guide – Spring 2015 ©School of Nursing and Midwifery Page 25 of 29 University of Western Sydney Proctor, N., Hamer, H., McGarry, D., Wilson, R., & Foggatt, T. (Eds.). (2014). Mental Health a person centred approach. Melbourne, Australia: Cambridge University Press Suicide Prevention Australia. Position statement Alcohol, Drugs and Suicide prevention June 2011. Retrieved from
2.6 Assessment details Assessment 1: Guided Essay – Promoting mental health and wellbeing Weighting: 50% Word count/duration: 1000 words Due Date: Week 7 Wednesday 2nd September 2015; submission is required before 5pm Submission details: Refer to Submission Requirements (p.17) Marking Criteria and Standards: See page 11 Aim of assessment The purpose of this guided essay is to enable students to consolidate nursing/midwifery issues covered in class materials and to determine students’ understanding of the topics and applications, in preparation for transition into the professional nursing and midwifery workforce. This is a guided essay based on a case study where the students respond by answering a series of questions. Details Using EITHER Scenario A or Scenario B- please answer the following questions: 1. Investigate and outline the prevalence/incidence of depression / anxiety (depending on the scenario you have chosen) in Australia – Your answer needs to cover: gender, age groups, specific risk groups, hospitalisations. 2. Using current literature discuss TWO (2) factors that may have contributed to the development of the client’s presentation and mental health concerns. 3. Using current literature discuss TWO (2) ethico-legal issues related to your scenario. 4. Identify TWO (2) nursing/midwifery concerns / problems with evidence from your chosen scenario- Your risk identification should be focused on the next 1-5 days of nursing/midwifery care for your client. 5. For each nursing / midwifery concern / problem you have identified in Question 4, outline and describe TWO (2) evidence based nursing / midwifery interventions (ie; what you would actually do as a nurse / midwife to support the person and how you would do it). Your interventions should be focused on nursing / midwifery care for your client over the next 1-5 days. They must be interventions which you would actually undertake directly with your client within your role as a nurse or midwife. You are also required to provide a clear rationale for each nursing / midwifery intervention (ie. why have you chosen the particular nursing interventions? How will the interventions support the person or contribute positively to their current presentation or concern?) Each intervention and rationale must be supported by current literature. 401013 – Promoting Mental Health and Wellbeing 1 Learning Guide – Spring 2015 ©School of Nursing and Midwifery Page 9 of 29 University of Western Sydney Scenario A – David has been referred to you in the Emergency Mental Health Community Team by his GP. His GP is concerned about David’s mental health state and risks to self. David is a 23 year old man, currently living with his mother. Both David and his brother, Peter, have a positive relationship with their mum. David’s mother and father divorced when he was 15 years old. Before his parent’s divorce, David had a positive relationship with his dad. However at the time of his parent’s divorce David became very angry towards his dad. David also directed his anger towards his friends at the time and he quickly became isolated from his peers, ultimately leaving school at 15 years old, at the end of year 9. David and his older brother, Peter, aged 25, had shared interests of bike riding and computers during their teenager years. During your meeting with David, he stated that he did feel that he and his brother had a close relationship and friendship. However, he acknowledged that they had become more distance in recent years. David has had three past heterosexual relationships lasting several months. His last relationship finished two months ago. His most recent girlfriend has disclosed she is three months pregnant and does not wish for David to be involved in the care of the baby. After leaving school, David had a number of part time labourer jobs. Each job lasted for two to three months. His most recent employment, over a year ago, was terminated by the employer as a result of conflict with his colleagues. David had left three of his previous jobs on his own accord as he felt “he just didn’t fit in”. He recalled a constant feeling of agitation and sadness at the time. During your contact with David, he has not worked for at least a year. He has contact with his father and brother every month or so. Many of the contacts with his father and brother end in verbal hostility. During the assessment with David, you notice he becomes distressed and tearful on your questioning. He reports recent weight loss. He discloses he has been having difficulties sleeping, feeling exhausted and increasingly depressed. You make further attempts to find out what has been happening for David and to engage with him. He asks you to stop questioning as he is ashamed of how he is currently feeling. He is worried about letting his mum down as they have always had a positive relationship. He declines to look at you while you ask him about thoughts of suicide. He does not wish for you to have any discussions with his family. Scenario B – Tracey is a 35 year old woman who presents for assessment to the Emergency Mental Health Community Team. She is six months pregnant with her third child. Her other children, to her ex-partner, are aged three and five. Tracey is in a heterosexual relationship with her partner of one year, Peter. Peter moved in to live with Tracey and her children eight months ago. The children’s father is distressed about Peter moving in to live with his children. There is verbal hostility between Tracey and her ex- partner each time he visits to collect the children for a weekend visit. Her expartner frequently states he is making arrangements for court to have full time care of the children. Tracey and her current partner, Peter, are in $35,000 uncontrolled debt after a recent new joint business venture failed. A finance company calls weekly requesting payment. Tracey and her partner stopped making the mortgage repayments three months ago, with the belief that dealing with the uncontrolled debt would be a better option. Her parents are supportive but live in Queensland. Tracey is able to have face to face contact with them once a year. She does chat with her parents over telephone every week if possible. Tracey states she is worried about how she will cope with her two children and new baby. She reports low mood, weekly panic attacks and fleeting thoughts of suicide. During your meeting with Tracey, you note she is fidgety and restless, breathing rapidly, shaking slightly, sweating and tearful. She is not wishing to actively engage with the mental health services, for fear it will impact on her having care of her children, stating she will visit her General Practitioner (GP). 401013 – Promoting Mental Health and Wellbeing 1 Learning Guide – Spring 2015 ©School of Nursing and Midwifery Page 10 of 29 University of Western Sydney Important details about your assessment • Refer to marking criteria and standards for mark allocation for each question. • This guided essay does not require a standard essay introduction or conclusion. • The use of tables or column layouts to answer questions 4 and 5, assessment one, is encouraged • There is a word limit of 1000 words. Use your computer to total the number of words used in your assignment. However, do not include the reference list at the end of your assignment in the word count. In-text citations will be included in the additional 10% word count. If you exceed the word limit by more than 10% the marker will stop marking at 1000 words plus 10%. • This assessment will be marked on-line and therefore no hard copy is required. • You are required to organise your answers in order of questions; by referring to the question number in your answer. • Marks will be allocated for academic writing and referencing (see marking guide) • A guided essay discussion board site has been set up on vUWS for voluntary use to clarify questions; share resources; share relevant links and to provide an opportunity for timely feedback from the unit staff related to the assessment task. This link will be available until the due date. • Submission instruct
ions and link is accessible under the ‘assessments’ tab • Student is to submit according to the submission instructions in this guide. • All technical difficulties must be notified to the unit coordinator Gill Murphy by email at the time of the technical difficulty, so the problem can be resolved as soon as possible. No claim of technical difficulties will be considered after the assessment period had closed. • If misadventure prevents you from attempting the assessment within the allocated period, please follow the UWS procedures for Special Consideration • If you do not attempt the assessment, you will receive zero (0) and will fail the unit for nonsubmission of an assessment task Resources i. There are a number of textbooks and resources available through the UWS Library that may assist you. Please refer to the unit’s vUWS site for specific unit resources ? Note: Resubmission of assessment items will not normally be considered 401013 – Promoting Mental Health and Wellbeing 1 Learning Guide – Spring 2015 ©School of Nursing and Midwifery Page 11 of 29 University of Western Sydney Marking criteria and standards: Assessment 1 – Guided Essay – Promoting Mental Health and Wellbeing Criteria Mar k High Distinction Distinction Credit Pass Fail 1 – Investigate and outline the prevalence/incide nce of depression / anxiety (depending on the scenario you have chosen) in Australia using current literature /10 The details related to the prevalence/incide nce of depression or anxiety are exceptional and of the highest quality. The answer is well supported by relevant literature The details related to the prevalence/incide nce of depression or anxiety are accurate and of superior quality. The answer is supported by relevant literature The details related to the prevalence/incide nce of depression or anxiety is effective. The answer is supported by good quality evidence from literature. The details related to the prevalence/incide nce depression or anxiety is adequate. The answer is supported adequately though minimally by relevant literature. Some lack of conciseness, clarity and focus to details provided. The details related to the prevalence/incide nce of depression or anxiety is inadequate. Sources used are not adequate to support the work. Explanations are brief and lack depth. 8.5-10 7.5-8 6.5-7.0 5-6 =4.5 2 – Discuss using current literature TWO (2) factors that may have contributed to the development of either David’s or Tracey’s presentation and mental health concerns. /10 Discussion consistently conveys evidence of analysis and synthesis showing exceptional understanding of the factors that may have contributed to the client’s presentation and mental health concerns. Sources used are exceptional to support work. Exceptional critical discussion noted. Discussion consistently conveys evidence of critical analysis and shows superior understanding of the factors that may have contributed to the client’s presentation and mental health concerns. Sources used are accurate and superior to support work. Superior critical discussion noted. Discussion provides a degree of analysis showing an effective understanding of the factors that may have contributed to the client’s presentation and mental health concerns. Sources used are effective to support work. Effective critical discussion noted. Discussion supports an adequate description of factors that may have contributed to the client’s presentation and mental health concerns. Sources used are adequate to support work. Minimal critical discussion noted. Discussion is inadequate to identify factors that may have contributed to the client’s presentation and mental health concerns. Sources used are not adequate to support work. Discussions are brief and lack depth. Little or no critical discussion noted. 8.5-10 7.5-8 6.5-7.0 5-6 =4.5 3 – Discuss using current literature TWO (2) ethicolegal issues related to your chosen scenario /10 Exceptional discussion related to the ethico-legal issues related to the scenario. Sources used are exceptional to support work. Exceptional critical discussion noted. Superior discussion of the ethico-legal issues related to the scenario. Superior critical analysis and discussion noted. Sources used are of high standard Effective discussion of the ethico-legal issues related to scenario. Sources used are effective to support work. Effective critical discussion noted Adequately discusses the ethico-legal issues related to scenario. Sources used are adequate to support work. Minimal critical discussion noted Work does not adequately or clearly discuss ethico-legal issues related to the scenario. Little or no critical discussion noted. Sources used are not adequate to support work. 8.5-10 7.5-8 6.5-7.0 5-6 =4.5 401013 – Promoting Mental Health and Wellbeing 1 Learning Guide – Spring 2015 ©School of Nursing and Midwifery Page 12 of 29 University of Western Sydney Criteria Mark High Distinction Distinction Credit Pass Fail 4 – Identify TWO (2) nursing/midwifery problems/risks with evidence from your chosen scenario /5 Exceptional identification of TWO (2) nursing/midwifery problems/risks with clear evidence and relevance to the case study chosen. Superior identification of TWO (2) nursing/midwifery problems/risks with clear evidence and relevance to the case study chosen. Effective identification of TWO (2) nursing/midwifery problems/risks with clear evidence and relevance to the scenario chosen. Adequate identification of TWO (2) nursing/midwifery problems/risks with minimal evidence and relevance to the scenario chosen. Lack of clarity Inadequate identification of problems/risks. Nursing/midwifery problems/risks do not relate to the scenario chosen. 4.5-5 4 3.5 2.5-3 =2 5 – For each nursing/midwifery problem/risk you have identified in Question 4, Outline and describe TWO (2) evidenced based nursing/midwifery interventions and rationales for each /10 Exceptional; clear concisely written relevant nursing/midwifery interventions. Sources used are exceptional to support work. Exceptional critical descriptions noted. Superior; well written relevant nursing/midwifery interventions. Superior descriptions noted. Sources used are of high standard Effective explanation of relevant evidenced based nursing/midwifery interventions. Effective descriptions noted. Sources used are effective to support work. Adequate nursing/midwifery evidenced based interventions; some lack of focus to problems identified Adequate descriptions noted. Sources used are adequate to support work. Inadequate or inappropriate evidenced based nursing/midwifery interventions. Interventions do not relate to the identified scenario. Sources used are not adequate to support work. 8.5-10 7.5-8 6.5-7.0 5-6 =4.5 6 – Academic writing & referencing skills /5 Exceptional referencing: both in text and final reference list according to APA style. Extensive, relevant current academic reference list effectively utilised. Publishable writing style and use of language Superior referencing, with adequate and correct in text and final reference list according to APA style. Comprehensive, relevant, list of current academic references used. Superior writing style and use of language; no errors in spelling, grammar, or punctuation. Effective referencing. Minimal referencing errors, following APA style in both in text and final reference list. Effective writing style and use of language; minimal errors in spelling, grammar, or punctuation. Adequate referencing. Some referencing APA style errors in text and/or in final reference list Adequate, basic writing style and use of language; minor errors in spelling, grammar, or punctuation. Inadequate referencing, both in text and final list that do not meet APA style. Inadequate writing style and use of language, errors in spelling, grammar, or punctuation that impede meaning. 4.5-5 4 3.5 2.5-3 =2