Discuss how your company over time would adapt the requirements to reduce security risk.

Analyze and assess the security threats and vulnerabilities of the database and web application given below and identify security measures which address these threats and vulnerabilities (1.5
page) – The vulnerability of the database that will need to be discussed is “extensive user and group privileges” and the vulnerability of the web application that will need to be discussed is
“broken authentication and session management.”
2. Recommend changes to the companys security management policies. (0.5 page)
3. Discuss how your company, over time, would adapt the requirements to reduce security risk. (0.5 page)
4. Discuss the security threats and vulnerabilities for Viewing Access Log and identify security measures which address these threats and vulnerabilities. (1.5 page) -Viewing Access Log: iTrust
Medical provides a medical records system which, after a user/patient has completed the authentication process, gives access to users to view their personal access log. The information contained in
this list includes names of those who have accessed the information, the role of the individual, date and time the information was accessed, and the type of transaction that occurred. In addition,
patients are able to view their personal information, as well as sort the information based on dates, and most recent access.