Discuss how the nursing profession can be of service to the issue.

Discuss how the nursing profession can be of service to the issue.

Write a research paper reflect on the article “Adolescent Obesity” that I provided. Please must follow the outline:

  1. Introduction :
    Brief description of what the article is about. The issue must be clearly
    identifiable and stated in the introductory paragraph.
    a. Discuss key points of the articles and implications.
    b. Address the implications of the article to the community,
    client and their family.
    c. Nursing resolution: Discuss how the nursing profession can
    be of service to the issue.
    d. Economy of expression.
  2. Conclusion:
    Appropriately summarizes the idea and intent of the paper.
    Please only use “DIETARY HABITS, PHYSICAL EXERCISE” , “Childhood Overweight” and “MONITORING THE NUTRITIONAL AND HEALTH STATUS” that I provided as secondary additional resources. Please do not cite other sources.