Discuss how a split between espoused theory and theory in use can affect organizational learning.
Read through the attached article The Five learning Disabilities by Jim Taggart. As you read through the article create one spray diagram to summarize the case content respecting the conventions, and techniques. It is advised that students submit hand drawn diagrams as opposed to computer generated ones.
Photocopies of diagrams should not be accepted. Reflect on your diagram in no more than 200 words. (15% marks).
(b)Based on what you learned in T205B concept file 04 section II Control , and based on the content of the article, and taking Creating a learning organization as your goal draw one closed loop control model diagram to show the various inputs,
and the transformation process, that can lead to reaching this goal. You need to show all the components of the control model diagram, the inputs, processes, control (actuator, comparator, sensor), that can lead to goal achievement . Reflect on your diagram (15% marks)
(c)Using an essay format of no more than 2000 words, and based on what you learned in T205B concept file 04 section I Organizations are They Rational , readings 01 and 07, section III Structure , section IV development, section V culture and climate, and section VI Decision Making and based on the ideas put forth by Taggart in the attached article:
1-Discuss the learning disabilities identified by Senge and assess how an organizations climate, and the existence of the unwritten rules of behavior, how they can lead to the creation of such learning disabilities.(Word Count 500; 20 Marks)
2-Discuss how a split between espoused theory and theory in use can affect organizational learning. (Word count 400; 15 Marks)
3-Discuss the five disciplines discussed by Taggart for overcoming the learning disabilities, (Word count 400; 20 Marks)
4-Assess the role of systems thinking and describe the principles of systems thinking, analyse their effectiveness for management, for problem solving and for decision making I relation to material form concept file 04 and 05 as applicable. (Word count 400; 15 Marks)