Discus Application of Nursing

Application of Nursing Theories in Clinical Practice

Due Feb 18, 5:59 PM
Not Submitted


Assignment Files

Reflect on a professional experience that includes the occurrence of either a sentinel event or a near miss.

What led you to have the sentinel event or near miss?

Note. To comply with HIPAA guidelines, do not use identifiable patient information in the assignment or in your discussion.

Identify two theories to which you subscribe or want to learn more about. Use theories you did not cover in the Week 1 and Week 2 assignments.

Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper on these theories and address the following:

Name of theories
Primary concept of each theory
Summary of the sentinel event or near miss, including an explanation of your actions
How you would apply the theories to the sentinel event or near miss to prevent it from occurring again
The importance of identifying sentinel events and near miss in developing critical thinking and decision making in patient-centered practice

Research a minimum of five peer-reviewed sources to support your work.

Format your paper according to APA guidelines, and include a reference page.