Describe the nursing strategies a nurse may implement

Assessment Task 1
1500 words and 40% of overall mark

Purpose of assessment task

Nurses have an active role in medication management, including safe administration practices, knowledge of risks such as medication errors, adverse effects and drug interactions. Patient participation in medication management and patient education are also essential to patient safety.

Assignment question:

On 5th of March at 1800 hours, Mrs. Helen Anasta, aged 76 years, was admitted to the cardiac care unit. She was transferred from the emergency department where she presented with gastroenteritis symptoms of nausea, vomiting and dehydration. Mrs. Anasta has a history of atrial fibrillation, hypertension and hyperlipidaemia. On assessment, Mrs. Anasta was found to have a heart rate of 110bpm (irregular). It is now 6th March at 0730 hours.

Mrs. Anasta had vital signs and blood tests taken two hours ago:

Heart rate:
Blood pressure: Respiratory rate: Oxygen saturation: Temperature:

Urea Creatinine

Irregular, 110 bpm 103/55 mmHg
23 breaths/min 95% on room air 37.8 °C

10.6 mmol/L 110 umol/L

The plan for Mrs. Anasta is to control her nausea and vomiting, provide adequate hydration and stabilise her heart rate.

Q1a. Assess Mrs. Anasta’s medication chart and identify and explain two significant risks that may be associated with the use of these medicines. (Expect approximately 400 words)

Q1b. Describe the nursing strategies a nurse may implement to prevent/manage the risks you have identified in Question 1a. (Expect approximately 400 words)

Q2a. Mrs. Anasta was administered a loading dose of digoxin. Explain the benefits of providing a loading dose of digoxin for Mrs. Anasta using relevant pharmacokinetic concepts. (Expect approximately 300 words)

Q2b. Mrs. Anasta has been reviewed by the medical officer, who prescribed digoxin as a regular medication. She will be discharged tomorrow and requires medication education related to the digoxin and warfarin. Describe the patient education you will provide to ensure Mrs. Anasta’s safe use of these medicines at home. (Expect approximately 400 words)

Unit learning outcomes and Learning Outcomes

This assessment task provides you with the opportunity to demonstrate the following Unit Learning outcomes and Deakin Graduate Learning Outcomes;

Unit Learning Outcomes

ULO1 Apply the principles of quality use of medicines in nursing practice;

ULO2 Compare and contrast drugs within the broad drug groups and discuss their potential for adverse interactions, effects, and events;

ULO3 Synthesise knowledge of pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics to inform clinical decision making for patient assessment, education, and evaluation;

ULO4 Identify and evaluate strategies used to manage risk when administering medications.

Learning Outcomes

LO1 Discipline-specific knowledge and capabilities: appropriate to the level of study related to a discipline or profession.

LO2 Communication: using oral, written and interpersonal communication to inform, motivate and effect change.

LO3 Digital literacy: using technologies to find, use and disseminate information.

LO4 Critical thinking: evaluating information using critical and analytical thinking and judgment.

LO5 Problem solving: creating solutions to authentic (real world and ill-defined) problems.

LO6 Self-management: working and learning independently, and taking responsibility for personal actions.

Student instructions for assessment task:

Read the patient information and questions carefully;
Draw on theoretical concepts of principles of quality use of medicines, legal/ethical
requirements and the nurse’s role in patient education;
Access relevant contemporary literature to support your discussion. References 
should mainly include refereed journal articles;
References to websites 
and/or Wikipedia are not appropriate for this assessment task;
Make sure you self-assess your assignment against the marking rubric available
before submission. This enables you to make sure all the required areas have been covered.