Describe the evaluation model chosen and its directives.

The following elements should be included in the curriculum you choose:

?objectives, preferably standard-based objectives, for every level and subject
?scope and sequence for the objectives
?a number of activities or lessons for many of the grades and subjects
?descriptions of facilities and equipment
?descriptions of instructor/trainer and administrator roles
?audience descriptions
Design an assessment and evaluation plan in APA format for the organization you have chosen.

?Your evaluation plan should include tools used for assessment in level and content area.
?The tools and the plan should be guided by a curriculum evaluation model.
?Decide which evaluation model will be used and explain your rationale for its selection.
?Describe the evaluation model chosen and its directives.
?You may choose one of the models from the following list, but you are not limited to these models.
◦Kirkpatrick’s levels of evaluation
◦countenance model
◦CIPP model
◦connoisseurship model
◦objectives model