Critical Reflection and Synthesis of Learning and Teaching-Learning Philosophy


Critical Reflection and Synthesis of Learning and Teaching-Learning Philosophy The purpose of this paper is to critically reflect upon and synthesize the learning that occurred throughout and to create a teaching-learning philosophy for your nursing education praxis. The paper is meant to identify the relationship between your teaching philosophy, theory, research teaching-learning praxis and personal experience. You may approach the paper in a way that is most meaningful to you. 1) Critical Reflection and Synthesis of Learning Provide a critical reflection and synthesis of your learning throughout by identifying the teaching-learning concepts, theories and/or perspectives that resonated with you and you may want to begin by asking questions such as; How have I changed as a teacher or learner? What concepts led to this change?

Why were these concepts imperative to me? Why were these concepts meaningful to me? Have my perspective of teaching learning changed? Why? Why not? How has the content or concepts that I was exposed to transformed me as a teacher, learner, professional, clinician academic, citizen, person and fellow human 2) Teaching-Learning Philosophy Describe your teaching-learning philosophy using an art form and identify how the concepts that resonated with you throughout inform (or will inform) your teaching-learning praxis. Artistic Expression of your Teaching-Learning Philosophy Based on your teaching-learning philosophy choose a creative expression or art form (poetry, painting, drawing, photograph, sculpture, movie clips) that reflects your philosophy.

You can place your art form in an appendix of your paper. Clarity and Format: • Written in the subjective (“I” statements) • Clear, logical flow of ideas • Clear arguments are supported with examples of teaching-learning praxis now or in future and with substantive integration of education science concepts, theories or perspectives. • Clear scholarly communication of ideas. All papers are to be APA format, double spaced, using 12 pt Times New Roman font and 1″ (2.5 cm) margins on all sides with only left margin justificatio