Analyze how well you met your goals for SuperTracker.

Summary Reactions: Your overall summary reactions to the entire experience.
8. Analysis: Analyze how well you met your goals for SuperTracker. If your goals changed, discuss how and if unforeseen goals emerged, describe what they were. You need to add to the discussion what you find are your nutrient, food choice and exercise deficiencies and their potential effects on your health in the future could be. Discuss your BMI. Comment on your nutritional deficiencies, i.e. fats, proteins, carbohydrates, calories, minerals/nutrients & vitamins (Sodium, Calcium, Vitamin D, B vitamins, Iron, etc.), food group ?My Plate System? recommendations, your caloric needs, what you drink, etc. I am looking for direct, short answers to the questions above. Ill be looking for: 1) how you could attempt changing your diet to optimize your weight, meeting the recommendations from the ?My Plate System?, and getting the overall best diet for your ideal body size,
9. Self-Assessment: Conclude your Nutrition/SuperTracker Report by assigning yourself points (out of 70 points) based on your performance. Justify your scoring based upon your addressing the items in #8 above.
10. Spelling, grammar, and my ability to understand what you write is a big part of your grade.
11. You do not need to submit a copy of your Supertracker report from the website, but you will need to comment on all aspects of it as indicated above. Be sure to cite the actual numbers from the reports and their analysis in regard to what Supertracker recommends for your body type. -five pages is typically adequate to answer the questions in the assignment.
12. Take a peek at these three samples:
Sample 1 Nutrition Assignment -2.doc
Sample 2 Supertracker-3.doc
Sample 3 Nutrition-2.doc
Note the instructions are slightly different on these samples when compared to the questions above. When doing the assignment be sure to follow the newly revised directions above, not the ones on the samples.